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Transport Wheelchairs: Convenient and Comfortable

Transport Wheelchairs: Convenient and Comfortable
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Whether you are a full-time wheelchair user or someone who has limited mobility only part of the time, you may find yourself needing a reliable transport wheelchair.

Transport chairs are for situations when you want or need a caregiver to help propel you. Even manual chair users occasionally fall ill, become fatigued, or have surgeries that may require them to use a transport chair. Or people who typically use other mobility devices such as canes or crutches may find a transport chair makes it easy to get around for long distance or rapid transport.

A Lightweight and Foldable Transport Wheelchair

Invacare transport wheelchairs are lightweight and foldable. This makes them incredibly convenient to use. No matter who is doing the storage and stowing, they will appreciate how easy it is to travel with an Invacare transport wheelchair.

However, this doesn’t mean that Invacare has skimped on the features. The chairs include padded armrests and security features, such as seat belts, to give you both physical comfort and peace of mind. The chairs are constructed of aluminum or carbon to keep the durability up but the weight down.

ALU Lite

The ALU Lite is a good choice for someone who is looking for a basic, entry-level transport wheelchair. It is made of lightweight aluminum. The construction of the chair makes it easy to manoeuvre, fold, and transport, even for an elderly carer.

One feature of the ALU Lite is that the back folds down for more compact storage. Footrests flip up to make it easy to fold flat. The chair weighs about 12 kg and holds users up to 100 kg. If you need a chair that will hold more weight, you can move up to the Invacare Topaz.

Invacare Topaz

The Invacare Topaz is specifically designed for bariatric users. It has added strength and durability without compromising weight. The frame is made of triple chrome-plated carbon steel. Heavy-duty leg and armrests are constructed for comfort and correct positioning.

Other frame reinforcements include gusseted sides, castor bearing blocks, dual heavy-duty cross braces. These additional features increase the chairs maneuverability and stability. The chair itself comes in two models. There is a 317.51 kg model, which weights 37.19 kg and a 453.59 kg model, which weighs 39 kg and comes with an extra heavy-duty frame.

If You Want A More Modern Look…Action 2NG

With 16” rear wheels, even the medium-active wheelchair Action 2NG can configured as transport wheelchair. It will give you a modern look, many cross compatibilities and more options!

Safety Notes

It is important to note that if you are getting a transport chair for an attendant to propel, and it will be used by a family member or friend, that your carer is properly advised in the safety and mechanics of how to push the chair.

First, the carer will want to consider your safety. There are proper techniques for going over curbs, traveling over bumpy terrain, going down ramps, or entering and exiting elevators. Your equipment representative, doctor, or therapist may be able to give instructions and advice on safety methods.

Second, the carer will also want to consider their own safety. If they push the chair the wrong way, they could end up injuring their own selves. If the carer already has health problems, these should be considered. In this case, the carer would do well to consult with their own doctor to determine how they can safely push the chair without causing themselves any harm.

The goal is to be able to get you where you want to go, safely and comfortably. By deciding what transport wheelchair may be right for you and remembering to take into consideration any and all safety issues regarding attendant propulsion, you should be able to find a solution that works well for you and your situation.


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