invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Powered Mobility

As a power chair user, you may have questions about how to best maintain your chair.

You may ask, “How do I make my wheelchair battery last longer?” Or you may wonder “Will the size or type of my power chair change my ability to navigate my environment?”

We have a variety of articles for people who use powered mobility to answer questions like:

  • How to maintain and change your battery
  • The difference between three-wheeled scooters versus power wheelchairs
  • Which power chairs are better for all-terrain and which are more suited for indoors
  • How to maximize the life and performance of your chair

You will find out tips such as:

  • It is really important to charge your battery for at least 18 hours before the first use. After that, 12-hour charging cycles are recommended where possible.
  • Where possible, avoid draining your battery by more than 80%.
  • Three wheeled mobility scooters are designed for greater maneuverability and they have a smaller turning circle than the 4 wheeled models.
  • Bariatric wheelchairs are designed specifically to accommodate the increased size of a user, and provide a comfortable experience for them.

Our YouTube Channel also provides great videos about the features of different chairs, as well as how to maintain them.

How a power wheelchair can support your child’s independence and wellbeing

Anyone with children could tell you that children want to be independent, explore and be with their friends.  Independence and mobility are important for a child’s cognitive and psychological wellbeing. For some children with disabilities, power wheelchairs are the only way to achieve mobility. A wheelchair can open up their participation in school, social life […]

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How Do I Find Mobility Scooters Near Me?

Mobility scooters are an essential lifeline for so many. They offer independence, flexibility, and peace-of-mind for a lot of people with disabilities and their families. In this article, we’ll be looking at what beneficial impacts a mobility scooter can play in a person’s life, what the brand new Zeta app entails, and answering key questions […]

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three-wheel scooter

How Could the Three-Wheel Scooter Give You a New Lease on Life?

Power mobility provides people the ability to be more independent outdoors and, to some extent, even indoors – (though probably not at home). Imagine the advantage of a three-wheel scooter at a shopping center, for example. If you have lower body weakness, stiffness, decreased functional activity tolerance, decreased stamina, lung disease, arthritis, obesity, and other […]

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Mobile scooter

Get mobile, get a mobility scooter

Being able to go out, meet friends, be part of your community or just to get fresh air is essential to our health and well being, when our mobility is restricted this can significantly restrict your options, this is where a mobility scooter can allow you to maintain your social life.  Research from the Research […]

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