invacare Blog

Tips and real-world stories

to live your life to the fullest with limited mobility

Accessible Home

Making sure your home is accessible is one of the best things you can do for yourself as a wheelchair user.  

An accessible home allows for independence and is better for your overall mental and physical health. You may be wondering, “How do I adapt my bathroom to be wheelchair accessible?” Or, “How should I arrange my kitchen for cooking in a wheelchair?”

These accessible home articles will give you more information on topics like:

  • Home improvement grants that can help with home modifications
  • Bathing aids for the bathroom and shower
  • Harnesses, lifts, and other equipment that can help with mobility in the home
  • How to make temporary adaptations when in someone else’s home, or on holiday

You’ll find helpful tips, such as:

  • When choosing your disabled shower option, you should also think about your physical abilities long-term.
  • Platform lifts are utilised where the built environment cannot accommodate a ramp of 1:20 due to space constraints or the user does not have the strength to independently use a ramp.
  • Ask advice from an expert, such as an Occupational Therapist, when designing your home.
  • There are plenty of solutions for the bathroom that don’t require remodeling, such as bath seats, grab bars, and adjustable shower heads.

¡Happy reading!

mobile hoist

What is the Best Mobile Hoist for You?

If you have impaired mobility, everyday movements like getting into bed or having a bath can be challenging. There are a range of mobile hoists and slings that can help make life easier, letting you get back to doing the things that you enjoy.  What is a mobile hoist? Hoists are a type of mechanical […]

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grab bars

How to Choose the Best Grab Bars?

More than meets the eye – somehow that feels like the best way to start this little journey into the world of grab bars. Indeed, few things appear as simple and as humble, and yet manage to provide such a broad array of options which can provide new levels of quality to one’s life. As […]

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prime care

Disabled Care – How to Help Others Help You

Disabled care may seem both daunting and straightforward. Quite paradoxically, it often is. In this short guide, we’ll discuss ways to bias this process towards ‘straightforward’, easy and safe. For everyone involved. Before we dive in the details, one important – even crucial – thing to understand is that, while caring for a person with […]

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