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Can a Sacroiliac belt reduce pain and support posture?

Can a Sacroiliac belt reduce pain and support posture?
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Have you been diagnosed with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction? Do you suffer from Sacroiliac Joint pain?

If the answer to these questions is yes then it is likely you are willing to consider all available treatment options-one of which is wearing a Sacroiliac belt. There are so many versions available to purchase on the market but in reality can they really reduce pain and support posture?

What is a Sacroiliac Belt?

A Sacroiliac belt is an elastic support belt worn around the hips and pelvis.

The aim of the Sacroiliac belt is to:

  • Reduce Pain
  • Reduce inflammation at the Sacroiliac Joint
  • Promote ‘normal’ posture
  • Increase independent functional engagement.

The belt, when worn correctly is designed to restrict movement at the joint whilst supporting the ligaments that have become loosened/injured.

The added support of the Sacroiliac belt aims to decrease stress on the joint, promoting alignment of the pelvis thus helping to re-establish the natural movements of the joints.

What is the Sacroiliac Joint?

The Sacroiliac joint is the joint connecting the hip and spine, positioned on both the left and the right side of the body.

During movement, the Sacroiliac Joint helps to distribute the body’s weight from the trunk to the pelvis providing stability for the upper body while protecting and acting as a shock absorber for the spine. Damage to the Sacroiliac joint can occur for example through trauma such as a sports injury, inflammation at the joint over a period of time due to overuse/incorrect use off the joint  or pregnancy where the ligaments surrounding the joint can stretch causing significant pain and impacting upon an individual’s function.

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Sacroiliac joint pain can affect everyone differently; from lower back pain described as ranging from a dull ache to a sharp stabbing pain on one side of the lower back, to in some a band of pain across the lower back often radiating to the buttocks and hip, including a tingling sensation down the leg of the affected side.

Symptoms of pain can worsen with sitting, standing or lying for prolonged periods therefore it is important to continue engaging in activities and change position regularly even though pain can intensify during transitional movements such as rising from a chair, stairclimbing or getting out of a car.

Whether standing, sitting or lying, maintaining good posture is essential to ensure the body remains in correct alignment and many people use a Sacroiliac belt whilst aiming to achieve this.

How to wear the Sacroiliac Belt

  • The Sacroiliac belt will have an adjustable fastener on it, it is important to ensure the belt is not too loose otherwise it will not stabilize the Sacroiliac joint as it is designed to.
  • The belt should be worn around the hips and pelvis not around the back.
  • The position of the belt is key, if worn incorrectly it will not work as it is designed to and the user will see little benefit.

Potential advantages of using a Sacroliliac Belt

  1. Improved functional performance
  2. Reduced joint pain
  3. It is easy to wear-can be worn under clothing so it is not visible to others
  4. It can aid reduction of sacroiliac joint inflammation.
  5. Improved posture
  6. There are many styles of sacroiliac belts available on the market to choose from including a range of sizes so it is likely you will find one that is compatible with your body shape/size.

What else to consider?

In order to establish if a Sacroiliac belt is going to be a valuable option for you, it is important to consider that there may be little relief if the belt is not worn constantly as some users report wearing the belt for up to 23 hours per day in order to experience its benefits. It is also important to take into account the cause of your Sacroiliac joint dysfunction as the belt is not appropriate in all cases such as those associated with some arthritic conditions.  Always consult an appropriate health care professional to ensure there are no contraindications.

Wearing a Sacroiliac belt can offer many benefits including reducing pain and supporting posture; the relief achieved from this is experienced on an individual basis therefore can vary significantly from person to person.

Author: The O.T Service

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